Torretta di Crucoli
C.da Ciuranà Torretta, KR 88812, Italy
[email protected]
tel: +39 0962 33 7842

Your Product

Exelien Organic

Packaging date: 29/03/2022

Deadline: 09/2023

Batch Code: 2903202201


Soil and Harvest Dates

Harvesting Ground: Mortilletto

Extension: 1,5 Hectares

Corporate Ownership: Yes

Harvest of 18/11/2021

Kg Collected: 2262,50

Harvest of 19/11/2021

Kg Collected: 1957,50

Extraction Process

Mill and Milling Days

Oil Mill: N1

Facility: OMT Pegaso 500

Type of extraction: Cold temperature-controlled

Milling of the 18/11/2021

Kg of Olive Oil produced: 298,50

Milling of the 19/11/2021

Kg of Olive Oil produced: 71,50

Storage Process


Silos N. SEB01

Capacity: 360 Kg

Silos Material: Tempered Steel

Nitrogen saturation: Yes

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